Carrying Deepak's Camera, Reached Yeshwanthpur station with the help of Alok. I, Nagraj and Shiva boarded Vasko Link xpress. Prabhu and Swamy boarded train from 'DavanGere'.
Prabhu being into adventure tour planing form long time knows all the basic things to bring which made his rucksack quite heavy. We reached CastleRock station 11 AM . We started walking in the rain and changed cloths in abandoned house on the way.
18 Sep 2010 It was trek(15 KM) on track around 12:30 prabhu made breakfast of awlaki. We used stream water to make that on side of railway track. Leeched bit me and Nagraj. Had our breakfast and we were back on track. Met few groups on the way. Reached Castle Rock station around 4:00 clock.

Prabhu prepared 'Sambar-Rice'. We all did dinner and I tasted 'Theple' which was brought by other group. During this whole time, one guy use to stand with stick to make place protected from Monkeys. We all slept around 9 o'clock.
19 Sep 2010
Day started with 20-25 monkeys sitting all around out tents and they have searched everything we left outside tents. I and Shiva went out to Falls where we spent some 30 mins and took some photos.

Prabhu prepared 'Upma' for all of us which was again tasty as we were hungry. Prabhu gave monkeys some upma for compensation as we took their place.
Now there was little change in the plan we decided to leave today itself instead on 20th. We packed out stuff and lunch. Took final glace at fall and started trekking toward 'Sonalium'. It was 3 Km trek where we waited for 'Goods-Train' and reached Kulem (GOA).
From Kulem it was 1:30 hour journey to LONDA. We reached Londa around 6:00 o'clock and went to Ram-Nagar to catch next bus to Hubli which came around 7:30 PM. WE reached Hubli around 10 o'clock took snacks over there and left for Bangalore.
It was 10 o'clock on 21st , i reached my place.
Trek in Photos
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